// Simple animation test. // Start out with an undefined window. This will get defined the first // time we call graphics.show[]. win = undef while (true) { for x = 0 to 10 step .01 { // Create a new graphics object for each frame. g = new graphics // Draw 3 circles g.color[1,0,0, .8] g.fillEllipseCenter[sin[x],cos[x],1,1] g.color[1,1,0,.7] g.fillEllipseCenter[x,sin[x],.9,.9] g.color[0,0,1,.5] g.fillEllipseCenter[x/2,0,1.1,1.1] // If this is the first frame, show it and save the window. if (win == undef) win = g.show[] else win.replaceGraphics[g] // Not first frame, replace graphics. sleep[1/30 s] } // Pause before restarting animation. sleep[2 s] }