// This is a program to turn the variable and function names in water.frink // to their Unicode equivalents. This might make it easier to verify against // the equations in the original IAPWS-95 paper. str = read["file:water.frink"] //println[str] str =~ %s/epsiloni/\u03b5\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\balphai\b/\u03b1\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\bdelta\b/\u03b4/g str =~ %s/\bDelta\b/\u0394/g str =~ %s/\bthetai\b/\u03b8\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\btheta\b/\u03b8/g str =~ %s/\bgammai\b/\u03b8\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\btau\b/\u03c4/g str =~ %s/\bai\b/a\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\bAi\b/A\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\bbi\b/b\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\bci\b/c\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\bdi\b/d\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\bni\b/n\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\bti\b/t\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\bBi\b/B\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\bCi\b/C\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\bDi\b/D\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\bPsi\b/\u03a8/g str =~ %s/\bbetai\b/\u03b2\u1d62/g str =~ %s/\bbeta\b/\u03b2/g str =~ %s/\bbeta_s\b/\u03b2\u209b/g str =~ %s/\brho\b/\u03c1/g str =~ %s/\bdrho\b/d\u03c1/g //str =~ %s/\brhoc\b/\u03c1/g str =~ %s/\bphi\b/\u03c6/g str =~ %s/phi0/\u03c60/g str =~ %s/phir/\u03c6r/g str =~ %s/dphitau/d\u03c6\u03c4/g str =~ %s/d2phitau/d2\u03c6\u03c4/g str =~ %s/dphirtau/d\u03c6r\u03c4/g str =~ %s/d2phirtau/d2\u03c6r\u03c4/g str =~ %s/dphidelta/d\u03c6\u03b4/g str =~ %s/d2phidelta/d2\u03c6\u03b4/g str =~ %s/dphirdelta/d\u03c6r\u03b4/g str =~ %s/d2phirdelta/d2\u03c6r\u03b4/g str =~ %s/dtau/d\u03c4/g str =~ %s/ddelta/d\u03b4/g str =~ %s/rdeltatau/r\u03b4\u03c4/g str =~ %s/rdelta/r\u03b4/g str =~ %s/rtau/r\u03c4/g str =~ %s/dphi/d\u03c6/g str =~ %s/d2Psi/d2\u03a8/g str =~ %s/dPsi/d\u03a8/g str =~ %s/d2Delta/d2\u0394/g str =~ %s/dDelta/d\u0394/g str =~ %s/Theta/\u0398/g print[str]