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// Routines to transform one word into another by substituting one letter
// at a time.

transform[initWord, finalWord] :=
   // Initialize wordlist with words of the same length.
   wordlist = new set
   len = length[initWord]

   // The wordlist files are part of the Moby wordlist project, available at:
   //   http://icon.shef.ac.uk/Moby/
   for word = lines["file:///home/eliasen/prog/mobydict/mwords/singlewords.txt"]
      if length[word] == len

   queue = [[initWord]]
   evaluateList[finalWord, wordlist, queue]

// Perform a breadth-first search of the list
evaluateList[finalWord, wordlist, queue] :=
      initWordList = queue.popFirst[]
//      println["Wordlist: $initWordList"]
      initWord = initWordList@(length[initWordList]-1)
      for word = wordlist
//         println["*$initWord\t$word"]
         if difference[initWord, word] == 1
//            println["$initWord\t$word"]
//            wordlist.remove[word]
            if word == finalWord
               newList = initWordList.shallowCopy[]
//               return newList
            } else
               newList = initWordList.shallowCopy[]
   } while length[queue] > 0

// Return the number of different characters in the two words.
difference[initWord, finalWord] :=
   len = length[initWord]
   count = len

   for i = 0 to len-1
      if substrLen[initWord,i,1] == substrLen[finalWord,i,1]
         count = count - 1

   return count

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